[Nagiosplug-devel] check_icmp patch - Jitter and MOS

Alessandro Ren alessandro.ren at opservices.com.br
Fri May 13 21:43:39 CEST 2011

     I´ve patched check_icmp to calculate jitter, MOS and Score and also 
changed the way the output text works in Warning and Critical states. 
Check_icmp will only shows the metrics that broke the threshold and the 
actual threshold, like this: WARNING - <host_name>: , rta 136.309ms > 
     I´ve also added new options to only check for  RTA or packet loss. 
Running it without the new options should return the same output as the 
original check_icmp. The new options may be combined to check for RTA 
and MOS, or RTA and packet loss or any combination.
     Attached is the patch against 1.4.15.


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