[Nagiosplug-help] Output of check_http not consistent

Ingo Lantschner ingo.lists at vum.at
Wed May 23 08:26:06 CEST 2007

Am 23.05.2007 um 07:35 schrieb Thomas Guyot-Sionnest:

> On 23/05/07 12:49 AM, Olivier 'Babar' Raginel wrote:
>> I think he's talking about some external tool, like nagiosgraph,  
>> which
>> runs some code when some patterns are matched.

>>> From what I guess, he's referring about the default map file  
>>> which comes
>> with nagiosgraph:
>> http://nagiosgraph.cvs.sourceforge.net/nagiosgraph/nagiosgraph/map? 
>> revision=1.10&view=markup&pathrev=HEAD
>>   170 # Service type: unix-www
>>   171 #   ouput:HTTP OK HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 1456 bytes in 0.003 seconds
>>   172 /output:HTTP.*?(\d+) byte.*?([.0-9]+) sec/
>>   173 and push @s, [ http,
>>   174                [ bps, GAUGE, $1/$2 ] ];
> Why being so complicated?? And more importantly, why using service
> output when everything is in the perfdata part? (and if it's not,  
> it's a
> better idea to fix the plugin than write code that will very likely
> break in future release of Nagios-Plugins!).

The plugin is ok, it *does* output its perfdata-part. For probably  
historical reasons the map-file from nagiosgraph does not use it and  
it expects the output to start with "HTTP". As I have posted before,  
this can be changed easily:

# Service type: unix-www
#    output:HTTP OK HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 1456 bytes in 0.003 seconds
# or output:OK - HTTP/1.1 302 Found - 0.497 second response time
and push @s, [ http,
                [ resptime, GAUGE, $1 ],
                [ size, GAUGE, $2 ],

The above definition seems to work, it recognizes also redirects  
(which start for what ever reason with "OK" instead of "HTTP OK") and  
uses the perfdata part.

> Also, the bps calculation there is not a very useful thing since it
> takes into account the response time. Many factor other than bandwidth
> can influence that value, so it's totally useless.
agree! So the  "[ size, ...],"-line can be removed/commented out if  
you do not need this data for something else.

> Here's what we do in a perfdata caching daemon we use (Old version at:
> http://control-alt-del.org/code/NPDaemon/ ; I guess now is a good time
> to post the updated version to NagiosExchange... Should be there  
> soon.).
Interesting! Thanks for the hint. Just one question: What happens, if  
the polling server gets down - does the perfdata get cached on the  
Nagios host or is it lost until the polling server gets up again?

Thanks to all for your comments, Ingo
Ingo Lantschner
Mob (+43-664) 143 84 18

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