[Nagiosplug-help] check_disk hanging on bad nfs mount

Mike Lindsey mike+nagiosplug at bettyscout.org
Wed Jan 23 21:05:11 CET 2008

I'm running check_disk v1848 (nagios-plugins 1.4.11) on FreeBSD 6.0

I've got a bad nfs mount, which is causing check_disk to hang, leaving, 
eventually, thousands of check_disk processes.

truss ./check_disk -vvvv results in:
For /logs, total=830472192, available=324530624, 
available_to_root=324530624, used=505941568, fsp.fsu_files=15218898, 
write(1,0x8066000,141)                           = 141 (0x8d)
For /logs, used_pct=61 free_pct=39 used_units=247041 free_units=158462 
total_units=405504 used_inodes_pct=1 free_inodes_pct=99 
fsp.fsu_blocksize=512 mult=1048576
write(1,0x8066000,162)                           = 162 (0xa2)
Freespace_units result=0
write(1,0x8066000,25)                            = 25 (0x19)
Freespace% result=0
write(1,0x8066000,20)                            = 20 (0x14)
Usedspace_units result=0
write(1,0x8066000,25)                            = 25 (0x19)
Usedspace_percent result=0
write(1,0x8066000,27)                            = 27 (0x1b)
Usedinodes_percent result=0
write(1,0x8066000,28)                            = 28 (0x1c)
Freeinodes_percent result=0
write(1,0x8066000,28)                            = 28 (0x1c)
calling stat on /host
write(1,0x8066000,22)                            = 22 (0x16)

After which, it hangs.  My standard arguements just set it to check the 
partition to see if it's mounted.

check_disk -w 20 -c 10 -e -A -L -X procfs -X devfs

Ideas, thoughts, workarounds or fixes?

Mike Lindsey

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