[Nagiosplug-help] Help Using Plugins

Ian Manco ianm at btx.com
Tue Dec 1 14:53:26 CET 2009


-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Guyot-Sionnest [mailto:dermoth at aei.ca] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 01, 2009 7:20 AM
To: Nagios Plugin Help List
Subject: Re: [Nagiosplug-help] Help Using Plugins

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On 30/11/09 02:05 PM, Ian Manco wrote:
> Hi Thomas,

Hi... Next time please post at the bottom of the thread (or in the
middle as replies)... common mailing lists practices...

> Sorry I forgot to add.....
> I tried to put the following into my commands.cfg file:
> define command {
>   command_name <<CheckEventLog>>
>   command_line check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -p 5666 -c CheckEventLog -a

> filter=new file="$ARG1$" MaxWarn=$ARG2$ MaxCrit=$ARG3$ 
> filter-generated=\<2h filter-eventID=="$ARG4$" filter-eventType==error

> filter=in filter=all } <<CheckEventLog>> application!10!20!12345
> If this is correct, then I have no idea how to call it from my 
> Windows.cfg

>command_name is what you call from a service definition (this is all
well documented in Nagios...) - and you should remove >the <<>> from
it... If you complete the missing parameters in command_line you should
be able to run the command from the >shell. Once you get the command to
run fine from there, copy it to your command_line parameter with all
variable options >>replaced with macros (Macros are also very well
documented in Nagios).

>- From your previous email you it seems that you use check_nt, which is
the deprecated NSClient protocol. To use > check_nrpe you have to
configure the proper module in NSClient++. Also once you have that
working you could move the >>>check_nt checks to check_nrpe if you wish
to use a single protocol for checking your hosts.

>- --

Hi Thomas,

I am very confused with just the basics which I tried to read from all
the manuals and the website for both nagios and nsclient++.

Sample Command:

CheckEventLog filter=new file="application" MaxWarn=10 MaxCrit=20
filter-generated=\<2h filter-eventID=="12345" filter-eventType==error
filter=in filter=all

OK: ...

Here is the section I want to implement:

Nagios Configuration:

define command {
  command_name <<CheckEventLog>>
  command_line check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -p 5666 -c CheckEventLog -a
filter=new file="$ARG1$" MaxWarn=$ARG2$ MaxCrit=$ARG3$
filter-generated=\<2h filter-eventID=="$ARG4$" filter-eventType==error
filter=in filter=all
<<CheckEventLog>> application!10!20!12345

>From Commandline (with NRPE):

check_nrpe -H IP -p 5666 -c CheckEventLog -a filter=new
file="application" MaxWarn=10 MaxCrit=20 filter-generated=\<2h
filter-eventID=="12345" filter-eventType==error filter=in filter=all

I do not get "FROM COMMANDLINE (WITH NRPE)" means.
I have uncommented all the CheckEventLog and have put the "Nagios
Cnfiguration" in my commands.cfg file which nagios was able to accept.

How can I test and run the command? I tried on my nagios server and from
a remote windows client running nsclient++.

Can you tell me the basics about getting this remote windows nsclient++
to work with nagios.

I am very sorry for all the novice questions! I am just trying to get a
hang of this and having trouble understanding the basics.

Thank-you very much!!

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