[Nagiosplug-help] basic mysql checks / haproxy checks

Tim Dunphy bluethundr at jokefire.com
Mon Oct 10 03:33:40 CEST 2011

hey folks.. I found the discrepancy.. sorry for the oversight.. the problem was that the database account should have been 'admin' but in the check it was 'mysqladmin'.. whoops! fixing that did the trick. :)

 I'm still struggling with the HAProxy check, however which returns ok on the command line but returns a warning from within the nagios interface. I find that I can wget the haproxy csv file from the command line also.

I've also tried changing the check command to omit the semicolon which I remembered is what nagios considers the start of a comment..

# Define a service to check HA/Proxy  on the load balancer machine.
# Disable notifications for this service by default, as not all users may have SSH enabled.

        define service {
          use                   generic-service
          host_name             virtual 
          service_description   HAProxy
          check_command         check_haproxy!

The service definition used to read:

# Define a service to check HA/Proxy  on the load balancer machine.
# Disable notifications for this service by default, as not all users may have SSH enabled.

        define service {
          use                   generic-service
          host_name             virtual 
          service_description   HAProxy
          check_command         check_haproxy!;csv

On the command line this is the result of the check

[root at VIRTCENT11:/usr/local/nagios/etc/objects] #/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_haproxy.pl -u ';csv'
HAPROXY OK -  app (Active: 2/2) MySQL (Active: 0/2) | t=0.130771s;2;10;0; sess_app=0sessions;;;0;0 sess_MySQL=0sessions;;;0;2000

But in the web interface this is the result:

UNKNOWN	10-09-2011 21:22:12	 0d 0h 51m 43s	3/3	HAPROXY UNKNOWN - Can't find csv header ! 

Someone that I spoke with about this problem suggested that the throttling settings in HAProxy may be causing the issue... tho I have not yet had an opportunity to test this theory.

Here's the command definition:

define command {
        command_name    check_haproxy
        command_line    $USER1$/check_haproxy.pl -u '$ARG1$'
#~      _comment        Test url HAProxy

I'd appreciate any thoughts you might have on this problem...

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tim Dunphy" <bluethundr at jokefire.com>
To: nagiosplug-help at lists.sourceforge.net
Sent: Saturday, October 8, 2011 6:15:46 PM
Subject: [Nagiosplug-help] basic mysql checks

Hello list

I'm trying to get another check running that is again succeding on the command line but not from within the nagios web interface. this time I am trying to setup a basic check for mysql:

In the nagios web interface I see this:

CRITICAL ERROR - Unable to connect to database '' on server '' on port 3306 with user 'mysqladmin' - Access denied for user 'mysqladmin'@'VIRTCENT11.summitnjhome.com' (using password: YES) 

The check works ok from the command line 

[root at VIRTCENT11:/usr/local/nagios/etc/objects] #/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_mysqld.pl -p secret -f -u admin -a -H db1
MYSQL 5.5.16-log OK

In the commands.cfg file I have the command defined as such:

define command{
command_name check_mysqld
command_line $USER1$/check_mysqld.pl -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -u $ARG1$ -p $ARG2$

In the file that defines the database hosts I have the service defined like this:

define service {
        use generic-service
        hostgroup_name db-servers
        service_description MYSQLD
        check_command check_mysqld!mysqladmin!secret

I can also connect to the database from the monitoring host as the account listed in the service definition.

[root at VIRTCENT11:/usr/local/icinga/etc] #mysql -uadmin -psecret -h db1
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 4261
Server version: 5.5.16-log MySQL Community Server (GPL) by Remi

Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.


This is the perl script that functions as check_mysqld

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# ============================== SUMMARY =====================================
# Program : check_mysqld.pl
# Version : 0.902
# Date    : Jan 08, 2008
# Author  : William Leibzon - william at leibzon.org
# Licence : GPL - summary below, full text at http://www.fsf.org/licenses/gpl.txt
# =========================== PROGRAM LICENSE =================================
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
# ===================== INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PLUGIN =========================
# This MYSQL check plugin issues "SHOW STATUS" commmand on mysql server
# and can issue alerts if selected parameters are above/below given number
# It also returns perfomance data for further nagios 2.0 post-processing
# This program is written and maintained by:
#   William Leibzon - william(at)leibzon.org
# It is partially based on (more like inspired by) previous work by:
#   Matthew Kent (matt at bravenet.com) - added perfomance data from mysqladmin
#   Mitch Wright - original check_mysql.pl plugin using mysqladmin command
# ============================= SETUP NOTES ====================================
# 1. Make sure to check and if necessary adjust the the path to utils.pm
# 2. Make sure to install perl DBI and mysql DBD modules 
# It is recommended you use arguments to pass on all options to this plugin,
# but if necessary you can change default MySQL hostname, port, user, password
# variables at the start of the script code
# The attributes/parameters checked are mysql internal variables retuned 
# For each attribute to be checked which you specify in '-a' you must
# also specify warning and critical threshold value in the same order
# in the '-w' and '-c' options (see below for more details).
# Using '-f' option causes all attribute values to be available for Nagios
# performance processing. You may also directly specify which variables to be
# return as performance data and with '-A' option. Special value of '*' as in
# '-A *' allows to get all variables from 'SHOW STATUS' as performance data.
# Warning and critical thresholds are specified with '-w' and '-c' and each
# one must have exact same number of values to be checked (separated by ',')
# as number of variables specified with '-a'. Any values you dont want to
# compare you specify as ~ (or just not specify a value, i.e. ',,'). 
# There are also number of other one-letter modifiers that can be used
# as prefix before actual data value to direct how data is to be checked.
# These prefixes are as follows:
#   > : issue alert if data is above this value (default for numeric value)
#   < : issue alert if data is below this value (must be followed by number)
#   = : issue alert if data is equal to this value (default for non-numeric)
#   ! : issue alert if data is NOT equal to this value
# Additionally supported are two specifications of range formats:
#   number1:number2   issue alert if data is OUTSIDE of range [number1..number2]
#	              i.e. alert if data<$number1 or data>$number2
#   @number1:number2  issue alert if data is WITHIN range [number1..number2] 
#		      i.e. alert if data>=$number and $data<=$number2
# A special modifier '^' can also be used to disable checking that warn values
# are less then (or greater then) critical values (it is rarely needed).
# A quick example of specialized use is '--warn=^<100 --crit=>200' which means
# warning alert if value is < 100 and critical alert if its greater then 200.
# You can specify more then one type of threshold for the same variable -
# simply repeat the variable more then once in the list in '-a' 
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# If you're using version 5.02 or newer of mysql server then this plugin
# will do "SHOW GLOBAL STATUS" rather then "SHOW STATUS". For more information
# on differences see: 
#   http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/server-status-variables.html
# Note that it maybe the case that you do actually want "SHOW STATUS" even with
# mysqld 5.0.2, then specify query line with '-q' option like
#   ./check_mysqld.pl -p foo -f -u nagios -A uptime,threads_connected,slow_queries,open_tables -H nagios -q 'SHOW STATUS' 
# Sample command and service definitions:
# define command{
#  command_name check_mysqld
#  command_line $USER1$/check_mysqld.pl -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -u $ARG1$ -p $ARG2$ -a uptime,threads_connected,questions,slow_queries,open_tables -w ",,,," -c ",,,,"
# }
# define service {
#  use                     service-critical
#  hostgroup_name          mysql
#  service_description     MYSQLD
#  check_command           check_mysqld!foo!apples
# }
# Examples of command-line use:
# /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_mysqld.pl -v
# /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_mysqld.pl -p foo -f -u nagios -a uptime,threads_connected,questions,slow_queries,open_tables -A threads_running,innodb_row_lock_time_avg  -w ",,,," -c ",,,,>25" -H nagios -v
# ======================= VERSION HISTORY and TODO ========================
# This version history is incomplete as I only started keeping track of
# it as such separate section recently. The first public release of
# the plugin was version 0.7 from May 2006
#  [0.8 DONE - Dec 2007] Update to my latest format & code for parsing
#     warning & critical parameters so they can be of the form
#     "<value" (alert if value is less then specified), 
#     ">value" (alert if its greatr then specified, default)
#     as well as "1,~,1" or '1,,1' (ignore 2nd)
#     Note: for backward compatibility specifying '0' for threshold is
#           more or less same as '~', if you really want 0 then prefix
#           it with '<' or '>' or '=' to force the check         
#     Number of other code cleanup and fixes. This includes allowing
#     more then one threshold for same variable (repeat the variable in
#     the list of variables with 'a') but making sure that in performance
#     variables its listed only once and in proper order. 
#  [0.85 - Dec 2007] Thanks to the suggestion by Mike Lykov plugin 
#     can now do 'SHOW GLOBAL STATUS' since mysqld newer then 5.0.2
#     will only report one session data in 'SHOW STATUS'. Also in
#     part to allow override default behavior (choosing which SHOW
#     to do) and to extend plugin functionality a new option '-q'
#     is added that allows to specify which query to execute. This
#     will let plugin be used with others types of mysql 'SHOW' commands 
#  [0.851 - Dec 2007] Fixed bug: -t (timeout) parameter was ignored before
#  [0.9 - Jan 2008] Threshold parsing and check code has been rewritten
#		    and now supports ranges in similar way to nagios
#		    plugin specification.
#  [0.901 - Jan 2008] Added forced closing of db connection at alarm
#  [0.902 - Jan 2008] Bug fixed in comparison of non-numeric data 
# TODO or consider for future:
#  1. Add support for storing values in a file or reusing old performance
#     values passed as command-line parameters (as I did with check_megaraid
#     check_megaraid and check_snmp_netint) and allow to check on rate of
#     change rather then actual value. 
# ========================== START OF PROGRAM CODE ===========================

use strict;

# default mysql hostname, port, database, user and password, see NOTES above
my $HOSTNAME= 'localhost';
my $PORT=     3306;
my $DATABASE= '';
my $USERNAME= 'mysql';
my $PASSWORD= '';

# Add path to additional libraries if necessary
use lib '/mysql/modules';
use lib '/usr/lib/nagios/plugins';
use utils qw(%ERRORS $TIMEOUT);

# uncomment two lines below and comment out two above lines if you do not have nagios' utils.pm
# my $TIMEOUT = 20;
# my %ERRORS=('OK'=>0,'WARNING'=>1,'CRITICAL'=>2,'UNKNOWN'=>3,'DEPENDENT'=>4);

# ============= MAIN PROGRAM CODE - DO NOT MODIFY BELOW THIS LINE ==============

use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case);
use DBI;

my $o_host=     undef;			# hostname
my $o_port=     undef;			# port
my $o_dbname=	undef;			# database
my $o_login=    undef;      	# Database user
my $o_passwd=   undef;      	# Password
my $o_help=     undef;          # help option
my $o_verb=     undef;          # verbose mode
my $o_version=  undef;          # version info option
my $o_variables=undef;          # list of variables for warn and critical
my @o_varsL=    ();             # array from above list
my $o_perfvars= undef;          # list of variables to include in perfomance data
my @o_perfvarsL=();             # array from above list
my $o_warn=     undef;          # warning level option
my @o_warnL=    ();             # array of warn data processing threshold 
my $o_crit=     undef;          # Critical level option
my @o_critL=    ();             # array of critical data processing thresholds 
my $o_perf=     undef;          # Performance data option
my $o_timeout=  undef;          # Timeout to use - note that normally timeout is take from nagios anyway
my $o_replication=undef;        # Normal replication status value, if something else then you'll see CRITICAL error
my $o_slave=    undef;          # Normal slave status, if something else then you'll see CRITICAL error
my $o_query=    undef;		# Query to execute instead of default SHOW STATUS

my $Version='0.9';
my $dbh= undef;			# DB connection object

sub p_version { print "check_mysqld version : $Version\n"; }

sub print_usage {
   print "Usage: $0 [-v] [-H <host> [-P <port>]] [-u <username>] [-q <query>] [-p <password>] [-a <mysql variables> -w <variables warning thresholdz> -c <variables critical thresholds>] [-A <performance output variables>] [-s <expected slave status>] [-r <expected replication status>] [-f] [-t <timeout>] [-V]\n";

sub help {
   print "\nMySQL Database Monitor for Nagios version ",$Version,"\n";
   print " by William Leibzon - william(at)leibzon.org\n\n";
   print "This monitoring script connects to database, does 'SELECT VERSION' and then\n";
   print "'SHOW STATUS' or 'SHOW GLOBAL STATUS' (for version 5.0.2 or newer of mysql)\n";
   print "or other query you specify with '-q'. It then allows to select variables\n";
   print "from 'SHOW STATUS' and check them against critical and warning thresholds(s)\n";
   print "Status data can also be used for performance output.\n\n";
   print <<EOT;
 -v, --verbose
   print extra debugging information
 -h, --help
   Print this detailed help screen
 -H, --hostname=ADDRESS
   Hostname or IP Address to check
 -P, --port=INTEGER
   MySQL port number (default: 3306)
 -D, --database=STRING
   Database name to login to
   (Default is none and you almost never need to change this)
 -u, --username=STRING
   Connect using the indicated username (Default is 'mysql')
 -p, --password=STRING
   Use the indicated password to authenticate the connection
   (Default is empty password)
   Your clear-text password will be visible as a process table entry
 -p, --password=PASSWD
   Password to use when connecting to database (Default is empty password)
 -q, --query=STRING
   Specify query to do instead of 'SHOW STATUS'. This is useful to check
   some other specialized mysql commands and tables. In order to work
   returned data should be similar to one from "SHOW STATUS", i.e. 
   table with two columns.
 -a, --variables=STRING,[STRING,[STRING...]]
   List of variables as found in 'SHOW STATUS' which should be monitored. 
   The list can be arbitrarily long and the default (if option is not used)
   is not to monitor any variable. You can repeat same variable if you need
   it checked for both below and above thresholds.
 -w, --warn=STR[,STR[,STR[..]]]
   This option can only be used if '--variables' (or '-a') option above
   is used and number of values listed here must exactly match number
   of variables specified with '-a'. The values specify warning threshold
   for when Nagios should send WARNING alert. These values are usually
   numbers and can have the following prefix modifiers:
      > - warn if data is above this value (default for numeric values)
      < - warn if data is below this value (must be followed by number)
      = - warn if data is equal to this value (default for non-numeric values)
      ! - warn if data is not equal to this value
      ~ - do not check this data (must not be followed by number)
      ^ - for numeric values this disables check that warning < critical
   Threshold values can also be specified as range in two forms:
      num1:num2  - warn if data is outside range i.e. if data<num1 or data>num2
      \@num1:num2 - warn if data is in range i.e. data>=num1 && data<=num2
-c, --crit=STR[,STR[,STR[..]]]
   This option can only be used if '--variables' (or '-a') option above
   is used and number of values listed here must exactly match number of
   variables specified with '-a'. The values specify critical threshold
   for when Nagios should send CRITICAL alert. The format is exactly same
   as with -w option except no '^' prefix.
 -s, --slave=status
   If slave status (normally it is 'OFF') is anything other then what is
   specified with, then CRITICAL alert would be sent. This can also be done
   with '=' option so seperate option is kept for backward compatibility 
 -r, --replication=status
   If replication status (normally it is NULL) is anything other then what
   is specified with this option, then CRITICAL alert would be sent.
 -f, --perfparse
   This should only be used with '-a', '-s' or '-r' and causes to output
   variable data not only as part of main status line but also as
   perfparse compatible output (for graphing, etc).
 -A, --perfvars=STRING,[STRING,[STRING...]]
   This allows to list variables which values will go only into perfparse
   output (and not for threshold checking). A special value of '*' allows
   to output all variables from 'SHOW STATUS' or 'SHOW GLOBAL STATUS'.
 -V, --version
   Prints version number
print "\nThere are no required arguments. By default, the local 'mysql' database";
print "from a server listening on MySQL standard port 3306 will be checked\n\n";

# For verbose output
sub verb { my $t=shift; print $t,"\n" if defined($o_verb) ; }

# Return true if arg is a number
sub isnum {
  my $num = shift;
  if (defined($num) && $num =~ /^[-|+]?((\d+\.?\d*)|(^\.\d+))$/ ) { return 1 ;}
  return 0;

# help function used when checking data against critical and warn values
sub check_threshold {
    my ($attrib, $data, $th_array) = @_;
    my $mod = $th_array->[0];
    my $lv1 = $th_array->[1];
    my $lv2 = $th_array->[2];

    # verb("debug check_threshold: $mod : ".(defined($lv1)?$lv1:'')." : ".(defined($lv2)?$lv2:''));
    return "" if !defined($lv1) || ($mod eq '' && $lv1 eq ''); 
    return " " . $attrib . " is " . $data . " = " . $lv1 if $mod eq '=' && $data eq $lv1;
    return " " . $attrib . " is " . $data . " != " . $lv1 if $mod eq '!' && $data ne $lv1;
    return " " . $attrib . " is " . $data . " > " . $lv1 if $mod eq '>' && $data>$lv1;
    return " " . $attrib . " is " . $data . " >= " . $lv1 if $mod eq '>=' && $data>=$lv1;
    return " " . $attrib . " is " . $data . " < " . $lv1 if $mod eq '<' && $data<$lv1;
    return " " . $attrib . " is " . $data . " <= " . $lv1 if $mod eq '<=' && $data<=$lv1;
    return " " . $attrib . " is " . $data . " outside range $lv1 .. $lv2" if $mod eq ':' && ($data<$lv1 || $data>$lv2);
    return " " . $attrib . " is " . $data . " in range $lv1..$lv2" if $mod eq '@' && $data>=$lv1 && $data<=$lv2;
    return "";

# this is a help function called when parsing threshold options data
sub parse_threshold {
    my ($thin) = @_;

    # link to an array that holds processed threshold data
    # array: 1st is type of check, 2nd is value2, 3rd is value2, 4th is option
    my $th_array = [ '', undef, undef, '' ]; 
    my $th = $thin;
    my $at = '';

    $at = $1 if $th =~ s/^(\^?[@|>|<|=|!]?~?)//; # check mostly for my own threshold format
    $th_array->[3]='^' if $at =~ s/\^//; # deal with ^ option
    $at =~ s/~//; # ignore ~ if it was entered
    if ($th =~ /^\:([-|+]?\d+\.?\d*)/) { # :number format per nagios spec
	$th_array->[0]=($at !~ /@/)?'>':'<=';
    elsif ($th =~ /([-|+]?\d+\.?\d*)\:$/) { # number: format per nagios spec 
	$th_array->[0]=($at !~ /@/)?'<':'>=';
    elsif ($th =~ /([-|+]?\d+\.?\d*)\:([-|+]?\d+\.?\d*)/) { # nagios range format
	if ($th_array->[1] > $th_array->[2]) {
                print "Incorrect format in '$thin' - in range specification first number must be smaller then 2nd\n";
                exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"};
	$th_array->[0]=($at !~ /@/)?':':'@';
    if (!defined($th_array->[1])) {
	$th_array->[0] = ($at eq '@')?'<=':$at;
	$th_array->[1] = $th;
    if ($th_array->[0] =~ /[>|<]/ && !isnum($th_array->[1])) {
	print "Numeric value required when '>' or '<' are used !\n";
        exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"};
    # verb("debug parse_threshold: $th_array->[0] and $th_array->[1]");
    $th_array->[0] = '=' if !$th_array->[0] && !isnum($th_array->[1]) && $th_array->[1] ne '';
    $th_array->[0] = '>' if !$th_array->[0] && isnum($th_array->[1]);
    return $th_array;

# ultimately this function will check if warn threshold is "less" then critical
# (with "less" meaning different things depending on format of data)
sub threshold_specok {
    my ($warn_thar,$crit_thar) = @_;
    return 1 if isnum($warn_thar->[1]) && isnum($crit_thar->[1]) &&
                $warn_thar->[0] eq $crit_thar->[0] && 
                $warn_thar->[3] !~ /\^/ && 
              (($warn_thar->[1]>=$crit_thar->[1] && $warn_thar->[0] !~ /</) ||
               ($warn_thar->[1]<=$crit_thar->[1] && $warn_thar->[0] =~ /</));
    return 0;

# parse command line options
sub check_options {
    Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling");
        'v'     => \$o_verb,            'verbose'       => \$o_verb,
        'h'     => \$o_help,            'help'          => \$o_help,
        'H:s'   => \$o_host,            'hostname:s'    => \$o_host,
        'P:i'   => \$o_port,            'port:i'        => \$o_port,
	'D:s'   => \$o_dbname,          'database:s'    => \$o_dbname,
        'u:s'   => \$o_login,           'username:s'    => \$o_login,
        'p:s'   => \$o_passwd,          'password:s'    => \$o_passwd,
        't:i'   => \$o_timeout,         'timeout:i'     => \$o_timeout,
        'V'     => \$o_version,         'version'       => \$o_version,
	'r:s'   => \$o_replication,     'replication:s' => \$o_replication,
	's:s'   => \$o_slave,           'slave:s'       => \$o_slave,
	'a:s'   => \$o_variables,       'variables:s'   => \$o_variables,
        'c:s'   => \$o_crit,            'critical:s'    => \$o_crit,
        'w:s'   => \$o_warn,            'warn:s'        => \$o_warn,
	'f:s'   => \$o_perf,            'perfparse:s'   => \$o_perf,
	'A:s'   => \$o_perfvars,        'perfvars:s'    => \$o_perfvars,
 	'q:s'	=> \$o_query,		'query:s' 	=> \$o_query,
    if (defined($o_help)) { help(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"} };
    if (defined($o_version)) { p_version(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"} };

    # below code is common for number of my plugins, including check_snmp_?, netstat, etc
    # it is mostly compliant with nagios threshold specification (except use of '~')
    # and adds number of additional format options using '>','<','!','=' prefixes
    my (@ar_warnLv, at ar_critLv);
    @o_perfvarsL=split( /,/ , lc $o_perfvars ) if defined($o_perfvars) && $o_perfvars ne '*';
    if (defined($o_warn) || defined($o_crit) || defined($o_variables)) {
	if (defined($o_variables)) {
	  @o_varsL=split( /,/ , lc $o_variables );
	  if (defined($o_warn)) {
	     $o_warn.="~" if $o_warn =~ /,$/;
	     @ar_warnLv=split( /,/ , lc $o_warn );
	  if (defined($o_crit)) {
	     $o_crit.="~" if $o_crit =~ /,$/;
    	     @ar_critLv=split( /,/ , lc $o_crit );
	else {
	  print "Specifying warning and critical levels requires '-a' parameter with list of STATUS variables\n";
	  exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"};
	if (scalar(@ar_warnLv)!=scalar(@o_varsL) || scalar(@ar_critLv)!=scalar(@o_varsL)) {
	  printf "Number of specified warning levels (%d) and critical levels (%d) must be equal to the number of attributes specified at '-a' (%d). If you need to ignore some attribute do it as ',,'\n", scalar(@ar_warnLv), scalar(@ar_critLv), scalar(@o_varsL); 
	  verb("Warning Levels: ".join(",", at ar_warnLv));
	  verb("Critical Levels: ".join(",", at ar_critLv));
	  exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"};
	for (my $i=0; $i<scalar(@o_varsL); $i++) {
          $o_warnL[$i] = parse_threshold($ar_warnLv[$i]);
          $o_critL[$i] = parse_threshold($ar_critLv[$i]);
	  if (threshold_specok($o_warnL[$i],$o_critL[$i])) {
                 print "All numeric warning values must be less then critical (or greater then when '<' is used)\n";
                 print "Note: to override this check prefix warning value with ^\n";
                 exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"};

    # if (scalar(@o_varsL)==0 && scalar(@o_perfvarsL)==0) {
    #	print "You must specify list of attributes with either '-a' or '-A'\n";
    #	print_usage();
    #	exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"};
    #    }

    $HOSTNAME = $o_host if defined($o_host);
    $PORT     = $o_port if defined($o_port);
    $DATABASE = $o_dbname if defined($o_dbname);
    $USERNAME = $o_login if defined($o_login);
    $PASSWORD = $o_passwd if defined($o_passwd);
    $TIMEOUT  = $o_timeout if defined($o_timeout);

# Get the alarm signal (just in case nagios screws up)
$SIG{'ALRM'} = sub {
     $dbh->disconnect() if defined($dbh);
     print ("ERROR: Alarm signal (Nagios time-out)\n");
     exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"};

########## MAIN #######


# Check global timeout if plugin screws up
if (defined($TIMEOUT)) {
  verb("Alarm at $TIMEOUT");
else {
  verb("no timeout defined : $o_timeout + 10");
  alarm ($o_timeout+10);

verb("connecting to database '$DATABASE' on host '$HOSTNAME' with user '$USERNAME'");
my $dsn = "DBI:mysql:";
$dsn.="database=$DATABASE" if $DATABASE;
$dsn.="host=$HOSTNAME" if $HOSTNAME;
$dbh = DBI->connect($dsn,$USERNAME,$PASSWORD, { PrintError => 0 } );
if (!$dbh) {
    print "CRITICAL ERROR - Unable to connect to database '$DATABASE' on server '$HOSTNAME' on port $PORT with user '$USERNAME' - $DBI::errstr\n"; 
    exit $ERRORS{"CRITICAL"};

my $db_command="SELECT VERSION()";
verb ("Mysql Query: $db_command"); 
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($db_command);
if (!$sth->execute()) {
    print "CRITICAL ERROR - Unable to execute '$db_command' on server '$HOSTNAME' connected as user '$USERNAME' - $DBI::errstr\n";
    exit $ERRORS{"CRITICAL"};

my ($mysql_version)=$sth->fetchrow_array();
if ($sth->err) {
    print "CRITICAL ERROR - Error retrieving data for '$db_command' on server '$HOSTNAME' connected as user '$USERNAME' - $sth->err\n";
    exit $ERRORS{"CRITICAL"};

my @mvnum=(0,0,0);
@mvnum=($1,$2,$3) if $mysql_version =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/;
verb("Mysql Data: $mysql_version | Numeric: $mvnum[0].$mvnum[1].$mvnum[2]");
if (defined($o_query)) {
elsif ($mvnum[0]>5 || ($mvnum[0]==5 && ($mvnum[1]>0 || ($mvnum[1]==0 && $mvnum[2]>1)))) {
   $db_command = 'SHOW GLOBAL STATUS';
else {
   $db_command = 'SHOW STATUS';

verb("Mysql Query: $db_command");
if (!$sth->execute()) {
    print "CRITICAL ERROR - Unable to execute '$db_command' on server '$HOSTNAME' connected as user '$USERNAME' - $DBI::errstr\n";
    exit $ERRORS{"CRITICAL"};

my %dataresults;
my $statuscode = "OK";
my $statusinfo = "";
my $statusdata = "";
my $perfdata = "";
my $mysql_vname;
my $mysql_value;
my $chk = "";
my $i;

# load all data from mysql into internal hash array
$dataresults{$_} = [undef, 0, 0] foreach(@o_varsL);
$dataresults{$_} = [undef, 0, 0] foreach(@o_perfvarsL); 
while (($mysql_vname,$mysql_value)=$sth->fetchrow_array()) {
    $mysql_vname =~ tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/ ;
    $mysql_value='NULL' if !defined($mysql_value);
    verb("Mysql Data: $mysql_vname = $mysql_value");
    $dataresults{$mysql_vname}[0] = $mysql_value if exists($dataresults{$mysql_vname});
    if (defined($o_perfvars) && $o_perfvars eq '*') {
       $dataresults{$mysql_vname} = [$mysql_value, 0, 0];
       push @o_perfvarsL, $mysql_vname;
    if (defined($o_replication) && $mysql_vname eq 'rpl_status') {
	$statuscode = 'CRITICAL' if $o_replication && ($mysql_value eq 'NULL' || $mysql_value ne $o_replication);
	$statusinfo .= " rpl_status=" . $mysql_value;
    if (defined($o_slave) && $mysql_vname eq 'slave_running') {
	$statuscode = 'CRITICAL' if $o_slave && ($mysql_value eq 'NULL' || $mysql_value ne $o_slave);
	$statusinfo .= " slave_running=" . $mysql_value;
if ($sth->err) {
    $statuscode = 'CRITICAL';
    $statusinfo = "error $sth->err during value retrival " . $statusinfo;

# main loop to check if warning & critical attributes are ok
for ($i=0;$i<scalar(@o_varsL);$i++) {
  if (defined($dataresults{$o_varsL[$i]}[0])) {
    if ($chk = check_threshold($o_varsL[$i],lc $dataresults{$o_varsL[$i]}[0],$o_critL[$i])) {
	$statuscode = "CRITICAL";
        $statusinfo .= $chk;
    elsif ($chk = check_threshold($o_varsL[$i],lc $dataresults{$o_varsL[$i]}[0],$o_warnL[$i])) {
	$statuscode="WARNING" if $statuscode eq "OK";
	$statusinfo .= $chk;
    if ($dataresults{$o_varsL[$i]}[1]==0) {
	  $statusdata .= " " . $o_varsL[$i] . "=" . $dataresults{$o_varsL[$i]}[0];
    if (defined($o_perf) && $dataresults{$o_varsL[$i]}[2]==0) {
          $perfdata .= " " . $o_varsL[$i] . "=" . $dataresults{$o_varsL[$i]}[0];
  else {
	$statusinfo .= " $o_varsL[$i] data is missing";

# add data for performance-only attributes
for ($i=0;$i<scalar(@o_perfvarsL);$i++) {
  if (defined($dataresults{$o_perfvarsL[$i]}[0]) && $dataresults{$o_perfvarsL[$i]}[2]==0) {
    $perfdata .= " " . $o_perfvarsL[$i] . "=" . $dataresults{$o_perfvarsL[$i]}[0];

# now output the results
print "MYSQL " . $mysql_version . " " . $statuscode . $statusinfo;
print " -" . $statusdata if $statusdata;
print " |" . $perfdata if $perfdata;
print "\n";

# end exit
exit $ERRORS{$statuscode};

Thanks in advance for any advice you might have to share!


All of the data generated in your IT infrastructure is seriously valuable.
Why? It contains a definitive record of application performance, security
threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this data and makes
sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
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Nagiosplug-help at lists.sourceforge.net
::: Please include plugins version (-v) and OS when reporting any issue. 
::: Messages without supporting info will risk being sent to /dev/null

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