how to compile Monitoring-Plugins for Shinken system

Eliran Ka'atabi Eliran at
Tue Dec 15 11:50:37 CET 2015

Dear Support,

First of all I want to thank you for the great project!!!

Now to my question:
I just installed Shinken monitoring system ver: 2.4.2
My Shinken folders as follow:

#etc-path = /etc/shinken
#var-path = /var/lib/shinken
#run-path = /var/run/shinken
#log-path = /var/log/shinken
#plugins-path = /var/lib/shinken/libexec

How can I compile the Monitoring-Plugins to match the Shinken folders?
Correct me if I'm wrong, But the default compile configuration is configured for Nagios Folders.

Thanks  in advance and best regards,
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