--rate option in check_snmp return result by zero.

Lý Hiếu lydt.hieu at gmail.com
Sat Jan 2 10:29:51 CET 2016

Dear monitoring-plugins assistant team.

I'm running Nagios Core 4.1.1 with nagios plugins 2.1.1 on CentOS 7 system
and I have created below command_line:

$USER1$/check_snmp -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -P $ARG1$ -C $ARG2$ -o
ifAdminStatus.$ARG3$,ifType.$ARG3$,ifInOctets.$ARG3$ -l 'Port status:
','Port type: ','Inbound traffic: ' -u '' -u '' -u 'octets/sec' -D ' - '

As I know that --rate option will apply for all OIDs in command. So that,
ifAdminStatus and ifType will return result by 0 (zero).
So, how can I do to assign --rate option just for ifInOctets?

Hope to hearing from you soon.

Best regard,
Ly Hieu
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