Nagios Core help

Masan Perunovic masan.perunovic at
Tue Jul 2 15:50:20 CEST 2019

I would like to ask you a question - I am using Nagios core 4.0.4.
I want to determine if the file exists on the network share - path is something like this 
In case it exists - it should give me a warning.
I cannot reach the network share - can you explain me how.The commands are working but I do not know how to add the exact path.
I've tried with these two plugins.
/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_file_age -f "\\servername\intern\test\test.txt" 
check_file_exists_glob -d \\servername\intern\test test.txt

THANK YOU in advance.

Srdacan pozdrav, Best regards, MFG, 

Masan Perunovic
Email     masan.perunovic at yahoo.comRegensburg IT Services

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