[Nagiosplug-devel] Kickoff for 1.5

Stanley Hopcroft Stanley.Hopcroft at IPAustralia.gov.au
Mon Mar 28 23:15:09 CEST 2005

Dear Folks,

The only comment I have about 1.5 is suggesting the  
separation of the suid C plugins from the non-suid plugins.

I think this is necessary because apart from the weaknesses in the 
implementations of the the suid plugins (check_dhcp, check_smart_*), 
testing becomes much more difficult on non core platforms.

I do not have root access on

HPUX     - any version
Solaris  - "
OS-X     - "
AIX      - "

and I cannot imagine getting such access to any but a subset (at best 
AIX and Solaris).

These plugins then are unlikely to have the same degree of testing that 
the others have and therefore are unlikely to perform as well.

Putting them in their own optional build directory (say /suid) with a 
README like that for /contrib may be beneficial in

1 stopping build failures caused by these plugins

2 lowering expectations about the performance of these plugins.

Yours sincerely.

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