[Nagiosplug-help] Fw: check_ifoperstatus option -n ifName not working as expected

James Affeld jamesaffeld at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 2 23:25:49 CET 2006

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: James Affeld <jamesaffeld at yahoo.com>
To: nagios-users at lists.sourceforge.net
Sent: Thursday, November 2, 2006 2:22:19 PM
Subject: check_ifoperstatus option -n ifName not working as expected

I'm running check_ifoperstatus to check the condition of interfaces on a Cisco 6009 running CatOS software.  
I'm specifing the SNMP IfIndex value as recommended.   But since the IfIndex value can change as the switch is rebooted, I'm running -I (agent supports IFMib ifXTable) and -n (IfName) to verify that I have the correct interface.  When I use -n, I must supply an ifName, but it doesn't matter what ifName I supply.  It comes back with the current ifName for that IfIndex and doesn't error out if that ifName doesn't match what I supply.  Why require a parameter for -n if the parameter doesn't affect the return condition?

root at silmec2:/usr/local/nagios/libexec# ./check_ifoperstatus -H -C REDACTED -k 351 -I -n 4/44
CRITICAL: Interface 9/6 -  (index 351) is down.

root at silmec2:/usr/local/nagios/libexec# ./check_ifoperstatus -H -C REDACTED -k 347 -I -n 4/44
OK: Interface 9/2 -  (index 347) is up.

Am I missing something, or is check_ifoperstatus  ?

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