checkifoperstatus description not working anymore

Jonathan Black jblack at
Fri Dec 20 18:09:06 CET 2013

I recently upgraded from 1.4.15 to 1.5 of the SNMP Plugins. Anyway, I started receiving a bunch of alerts from Nagios with the warning "UNKNOWN: could not retrive ifdescr/iftype snmpkey - 0-0"

I'm running the command:

check_ifoperstatus -H server-01.mydomain.local -C public -d "HP NC382i DP Multifunction Gigabit Server Adapter #50$"

And it doesn't seem to work now (And it works completely fine with 1.4.15). I thought maybe you weren't letting me use regular expressions in my matching anymore, so I tried the exact name and that doesn't give me results either. The -k option seems to function fine.

Do you have any idea why this would break for me? I'm guessing you probably wouldn't miss a bug of this nature, so I'm thinking it must be something on my end. For the time being I've reverted to 1.4.15 for this plugin as I need something that works.

I've also posted this in the Nagios Support Forums.

Thanks for any assistance you can be.

Jonathan Black
Morris Laing Evans Brock & Kennedy
IT Manager
300 N. Mead St, Suite 200
Wichita, KS 67202
T: 316-262-2671
F: 316-383-6587

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