checkifoperstatus description not working anymore

Holger Weiß holger at
Fri Dec 20 21:21:47 CET 2013

* Jonathan Black <jblack at> [2013-12-20 17:09]:
> I recently upgraded from 1.4.15 to 1.5 of the SNMP Plugins. [...]
> I'm running the command:
> check_ifoperstatus -H server-01.mydomain.local -C public -d "HP NC382i DP Multifunction Gigabit Server Adapter #50$"
> And it doesn't seem to work now (And it works completely fine with 1.4.15).

check_ifoperstatus has not been modified at all between 1.4.15 and 1.5.
Did you build the Plugins from source in both cases?  Are both using the
same Perl and Net::SNMP versions?  Could you check for any differences
in your versions of the plugin (using "diff -u")?


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